We are adding new properties on Client API for Trust and Corporate records. Please see Client API documentation
The new intelliflo
tech blog
We have released our expenditure API for general availability after an extended period of internal testing of our own products. With Expenditure API you will be able to get more fact find data from your client records in IO or if you collect this type of data in your own system you can now post it back to IO.
By Christofer Andersson
10/02/20 21:43
We have added IntellifloStandard and IntellifloEnterprise to the list of providers on Documents API. Please make sure your code is updated to take these new values in consideration or you might experience errors while calling this endpoint.
By Christofer Andersson
28/01/20 10:27
As part of Intelliflo’s ongoing work to secure our platforms, we will be disabling TLSv1.0 and 1.1 on all endpoints on February 14th 2020.
By Christofer Andersson
16/01/20 16:30
By Christofer Andersson
20/12/19 15:16
iflo:io:WealthLinkExtension (https://developer.intelliflo.com/docs/ExtensionReference#iflo:io:WealthLinkExtension) has been renamed to ProductLinkExtension to reflect it will be available for more products than wealth related.
By Christofer Andersson
19/12/19 09:53
Currently our bulkvaluation API uses uppercase "Top" and "Skip":
Skip | Number of records to skip. Must be greater than or equal to zero |
Top | Number of records to retrieve (default 100, max 500) |
After the change the API will accept lowercase "top" and "skip":
skip | Number of records to skip. Must be greater than or equal to zero |
top | Number of records to retrieve (default 100, max 500) |
This change will align bulkvaluation API with the rest of our APIs and is scheduled to be deployed into production on the 25th of November. Please update your code to use lowerca
By Christofer Andersson
11/11/19 15:21