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Client and Service Case API enhancements

By Christofer Andersson
24/05/21 13:29

Due to FCA latest guidance for recording vulnerability on client level,

Intelliflo will be introducing couple of enhancements to the Client API and Service case API.


Service case API: at the moment includes properties that allow users to record vulnerability details

on a Service case level.

However, the upcoming enhancement will allow adding vulnerability details on the client level,

where the user can record if the client is vulnerable, type of vulnerability, category, and vulnerability

details. The service case API will use the client vulnerability details, and these properties will be

added to the service case API and will be made read only.


The enhancement will be developed in two phases

* phase 1, where the users will still be able to create Vulnerability for the Service case

* Phase 2, where the users will no longer be able to create Vulnerability details via Service case,

but these details will come from the Client.


Any client level vulnerability changes will reflect on any Service case for the given client which is

not marked as complete.


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